Why Men Have Higher Sex Drives


We have all heard that men want sex more than women. I believe that there are multiple reasons for this. Men have more testosterone than women, which assists them with their sex drive. Women have a very similar sex drive to men during ovulation. During ovulation, a woman's levels of testosterone increase. Essentially, one or two days out of the month, women have the same sex drive that men have every day. Of course, there is room for individual variation and men do not want sex every minute of every day. Sex drive depends greatly on context.

Another reason for men having higher libidos is that their sexual organs are much more external than women's. This makes it more obvious when men are "in the mood". It is a bit more difficult for women. A man's penis becomes erect, and the testicles are tight and snug against the body. For the woman, the vagina lengthens and swells. All of these changes during arousal are mostly internal for women. It can even be difficult for the woman experiencing these changes to notice them.

Many people know how to become pregnant. Women become pregnant when semen is released from the testicles and through the penis into the vagina. Through this process, the man's most sensitive sexual organ is stimulated. Only a quarter of women are able to orgasm from penetrative sex. The women's most sensitive sexual organ is not stimulated through intercourse. Intercourse for a woman feels like running your tongue along your cheek. The most sensitive sexual organ is not the vagina, it is the clitoris. The visible part of the clitoris is above the urethral opening. This is only a small part of it. The larger part of the clitoris is internal. It goes around and past the vaginal opening. The only function of the clitoris is sexual pleasure. This could be why women have a lower sex drive. They may not enjoy sex as much as men. It is easier and faster for a man to orgasm compared to a woman.

Marriage should be love, connection, and service. Sex is not only meant for reproduction. Sex can be a beautiful way to show your husband or wife that you care about them deeply. You can do this by only having sex when both you and your spouse want to. Consent is huge. Without consent, it is sexual abuse. Talking about sex with your spouse can help you to know what they like and what they don't like. When both partners focus on making the experience great for the other, souls can be bonded. Sex should never be casual. It is a sacred experience and should be treated as such. God gave us sexual feelings and organs for a reason. That reason is to fuse a husband and wife together. It can help a married couple to feel closer, safer, and warmer with one another. It truly makes a man and woman become one.

This is why sex should only be between a man and a woman who are lawfully wedded as husband and wife. It allows a man and a woman to serve each other. Sex has to come after you know, trust, rely on, and commit to someone fully. When a man and a woman are married, they are showing each other that they are fully committed forever. This level of commitment allows a married couple to be fully open with one another, which is why married couples have sex that is more frequent and more satisfying. It is not artificial, it is not used to satisfy one's own desires, it is used to bind souls.

For more information concerning this topic, I would recommend going to Carlie Palmer-Webb's website. This is where I am getting most of my information from.


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