The Impact of Loving Parents
It seems that all solutions to decreasing crime, teen pregnancies, and selfishness lead to more issues. The solution to gun violence is to create more strict gun laws. The solution to drugs and crime coming from Mexico is to build a wall. From what I have seen, these solutions have not significantly decreased violence. I would even go as far as to say that they increased it. If this is the case, what is the solution to so many issues?
The solution is found in a loving family. When you look at the type of people who become active shooters in schools, they often do not have a secure family. They do not have the confidence and competence that a father can teach their son or daughter. They do not have the love that only a mother can give their children. Children need both a mother and a father who love and deeply care for them. They need to be actively involved and interested in their children's lives. The solution is not solely found in stricter laws and regulations. It is found when someone cares about their child.
Parents have a huge influence on their children's lives, whether their teenagers choose to believe it or not. I think of this influence as fire. It can bring warmth and nutrients, or it can burn you alive. You have likely heard of the classic parenting types: permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian. There is another type that is the most damaging to a child. It is the uninvolved or neglecting parent. When a mother or father shows no interest in a child's health or overall wellbeing, it sends a clear message that they are worthless. This message sinks deep in many children and teenagers. When they believe that they are worthless, they begin to desensitize themselves to human life. This is what leads to crimes such as rape, abuse, and murder. We, as human beings, tend to judge people, especially parents, for their seemingly unwise parenting strategies. These "unwise" parenting strategies are much more effective than a mother without strategy or care in the world. The big difference is that one loves and shows that love to their child and the other shows no sign of love or affection.
In the April 2021 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Gary E. Stevenson explained a certain experiment. This experiment was to see what impact a fatty diet and a lean diet had on heart health. They conducted it with rabbits. A group of rabbits is given a diet high in fat. The scientists monitored their cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate. All of these rabbits showed a build-up of fat in their arteries except one particular group of rabbits under the care of one young woman. They showed a significant 60% less fatty build-up than the other rabbits given the same diet. This woman showed unusual kindness to the rabbits she cared for simply because that is the type of person she is. She talked to the rabbits, petted them, and showed them immense love. The scientists did not believe at first that simply more care and love would lead to a significant difference in health. They tested and retested the rabbits. The fluffy creatures that were assigned under the care of that specific caring woman showed the same results as the last group she had cared for previously.
This study shows how kindness, love, and tender nurturing can drastically affect the physical health of a creature. This can be applied to children. When parents show pure Christ-like love and care deeply for their children, they will flourish. They will know what they are capable of and shoot for the stars because they know they have a secure base and a sturdy support system at home. They are more likely to seek to do good rather than turn against those around them. I know it sounds cheesy, but the antidote to crime and violence truly is a parent's love.
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